Mutual Aid Fund Application

Our scholarships are funded by community donations. Our intention is to help BIPOC community members who are financially in need & desiring mental health or doula services to be able to access these resources. We currently only fund services to providers we have vetted as culturally responsive & trauma informed. 

Mutual Aid Fund for Doula Services

You can view the providers under the provider tab here.

We provide scholarships up to $1,500 for labor doula services OR up to $400 with a max limit of $40/hr for postpartum doula services. You can only apply for one service, either labor OR postpartum doula services. The doula you choose to work with will be paid directly once confirmation of care has been established. If selected for the scholarship, you will be encouraged to interview 2 doulas to ensure the best fit. 

H+S Mutual Aid Fund Application for Therapy Services

You can view the providers under the provider tab here.

We provide scholarships up to $1,000, which equals to 10 sessions, with one of our preferred providers listed on our website. People who are uninsured or underinsured will be given priority in the selection process. Providers will be paid directly once services have been secured. 

Mutual Aid Fund for Emergency Lactation Services

You can view the providers under the provider tab here.

H+S Application for Free Herbal Consultation Services- Community Members

We are excited to share a special scholarship opportunity available to Heart and Sol Collective community members, especially those who are pregnant, postpartum, or caregivers in general.

Herbalists without Borders LV Chapter Scholarships: HWB LV Chapter is offering the following scholarships to support your wellness journey. Please complete this form AND the hyperlinked onboarding form noted below. This form will be open on an ongoing basis.

Carmen Adams Registered Herbalist (AHG) & CHN will be contacting and connecting with scholarship recipients directly. If you have questions, she can be reached at:

FREE CLINIC: 10 scholarships per month, valued at $1,500, are available for 10 community members to receive three 30-minute "Ask the Herbalist" sessions, which must be used within 90 days of the first session. First come, first served so secure your spot asap, please use promo code : HeartSolComm100 and follow the on-boarding instructions HERE

H+S Application for Birth Worker Herbal Mentorship

We are excited to share a special scholarship opportunity available to Heart and Sol Collective community members, especially those who are pregnant, postpartum, or caregivers in general.

Herbalists without Borders LV Chapter Scholarships: HWB LV Chapter is offering the following scholarships to support your wellness journey. Please complete this form AND the hyperlinked onboarding form noted below. This form will be open on an ongoing basis.

Carmen Adams Registered Herbalist (AHG) & CHN will be contacting and connecting with scholarship recipients directly. If you have questions, she can be reached at:

ASPIRING HERBALISTS CLUB: Two birth workers will be selected to receive a 100% scholarship for Aspiring Herbalists Club LEVEL 2 Herbalist Mentorship each quarter. First come, first served so secure your spot asap, please use promo code HeartSolAHC100 follow the on-boarding instructions HERE